Team LivGastro provides utility based model of care that integrates specialists, primary care , laboratory, imaging and other health services to give patients a convenient and superior outcome along with a pleasant experience. Since we primarily focus on outdoor-patient care, on the site instant testing along with detailed and accurate results, we enable our patients and their families save
a lot of effort, time and money.
“Breath Test” is a form of test that is performed on the air that is exhaled while breathing. There are various types and the most common one’s are as follows :
One has to completely abstain from Smoking or Second hand smoke for at least 1 hour before or when the test is being conducted.
No Vigorous exercise or sleeping for at least 1 hour before or when the breath test is being carried on.
In case a patient has been under Colonoscopy,Runny diarhhoea or antibiotic therapy recently, then he or she has to wait for at least 14 days before undergoing the breath test.
Before one starts with the breath test , a 24 hours preparation is required that consists of a 12 hour restricted diet and 12 hours fasting period.