There is an old Indian proverb that says, “people who go for poop once a day are ascetics; those who make it twice a day are foodies, and those who need to visit the toilet more often are usually unwell or sick”. Though this may be discarded as hearsay and not medically proved since normal healthy people are known to visit the toilet as many times as they find suitable, there is a fourth variety that seldom feels the urge to relieve themselves. They are known to be constipated, while the medical condition is termed as constipation. Constipated people have lesser and tougher bowel movements, causing uneasiness and discomfort. Although minor constipation is often neglected, long lasting constipation can be life-threatening.
Since constipation is a symptom and not a disease, it is manifested through:
Although it is difficult to determine what really causes constipation, some of these include:
The following measures may provide some relief:
Get immediately in touch with renowned gastroenterologist Dr. V.K. Rai, MD if you develop prolonged constipation, accompanied by intense abdominal pain and are unable to pass stool or gas.
However, Dr. Vijay Rai, after conducting preliminary medical checkup and providing you with some relief will recommend the following diagnostic tests in order to find out what caused your constipation. Incidentally, these tests can be conveniently done at LivGastro and the results immediately obtained by Dr. Rai who may take the appropriate line of treatment for quick recovery.
Yes, probably it is possible to prevent constipation, provided you follow the regime outlined below.
Though constipation isn’t a dangerous disease, it nevertheless affects the quality of life. So, get yourself thoroughly checked by an efficient gastroenterologist to get cured for life.
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